LZ-1200 Modern Cabinet Aquarium Fish Tank marine tropical freshwater 300L with LED lighting
Our luxurious range of premium cabinet aquariums‚ are manufactured with an amazing curved glass front edge, providing an uninterrupted 180 degree view of your tank inhabitants.
Supplied with built-in hood filtration and (2x) 16w LED light tubes, each unit comes complete with an elegantly designed high-quality matching cabinet.
Suitable for freshwater, tropical and saltwater marine fishkeeping.
We are now retailing our LZ series of fish tanks with LED lighting in place of T8 tubes.
These are low wattage and highly economical compared to their T8 counterparts, providing similar brightness for less running costs.
The T8 models ran at 60w total, whereas the LED models will run at a much reduced 32w total!
- Built-in hood filtration and LED lighting
- High-quality elegant finish
- 180 degree viewing area
- Available in 2 designs, black (Hood, trim and cabinet), all white (Hood, trim and cabinet)